July 8, 2013

We are spending the day of rest and relaxation in Edmonton at Rebecca’s until we hook up with the train for Vancouver tomorrow. It’s great to have a day to reorganize our suitcases and stroll around the streets here. We popped into Tim Horton’s a couple of times and walked to a Canadian Tire where Larry bought something to fix Rebecca’s towel rack. It was good walk and we arrived home just in time to avoid a mini- storm.

We nearly jumped out of our skins upon hearing a huge bolt of thunder. Next thing we look out the window and the tree outside is being pelted with  hail-stones the size of gumballs.We rarely experience anything like that in Canton, NY. We spent the rest of the afternoon sitting with Emma, Rebecca’s little Siamese cat, who, of course, took a particular shine to Larry.

In the evening we met Larry’s nephew, Jacob MacDowell, and another friend of ours, Zack Terbeek, for dinner at a restaurant. It was great to catch up. Jacob is skilled in welding and pipe-fitting and works almost every day of the week with hardly any vacation. He said he likes it that way! He also catches huge fish and takes in great concerts. I could tell that both guys don’t miss many bands that pass through Edmonton.

A bit about Zack for all you out there that know him, or thought you did.  I must say he has really acquired the city look- let’s just say he was very sharp-looking and well put together from head to toe. We were more used to his Khaki casual side when we knew him in Canton. Plus, he now eats more than one type of salad dressing! Who knew! Zack works for a big American company that builds transmission lines.

Now we are back home and ready to get on the train for Vancouver first thing tomorrow morning. Rebecca and Rachel are coming with us for this part of the journey. Their plan is to spend a relaxing few days in a hotel with a roof- top pool and spa. 

© Margaret Veinott 2013